What you get in Winning Website Workshop

How to design a website that works for you 24/7/366

  • Creating a work-horse website

  • Using your website to pre-qualify clients

  • Website wireframes

  • Writing website copy & content

  • Getting your website seen

  • Analyzing your website’s performance

Your Course Modules:

    1. Introduction to Winning Website Workshop

    2. Get Ready for Class

    3. How to Access the Live Class

    4. Read The Doula Success Formula ebook

    5. Watch The Doula Sucdess Formula webinar

    6. Want a head start on this course?

    1. The Pre-qualifying Checklist

    1. Homepage Wireframe

    1. The All-Important Header

    2. Problem & Solution Statements

    3. Anatomy of an About Page

    4. Anatomy of a Service Page

    5. Miscellaneous Pages

    1. SEO Tutorial

    2. Ads & Promotion

    3. Analytics & Tracking

    1. Here's what you can do next...

    2. Stay Connected

About this course

  • $97.00
  • 18 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

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(it's like getting one for free)

  • $297.00

    The 4 Pillars of Marketing for Birth Professionals: A 4-part series to grow your business

    Get the Bundle

Your website is like boutique window.

Make sure it's inviting people in, and that what they find inside feels like you're right there showing them around.

Your Instructor

Owner & Creator Carrie Kenner

Carrie Kenner, BA, CBE, CD(BFW), has been helping people have babies for over 40 years. She started Big Belly Services in Seattle, WA, in 2001, and has supported over 1,500 families as a childbirth educator, attended over 350 births as a doula, and trained over 2,000 birth doulas. Carrie is also a marketing and business coach, copywriter, ghostwriter, and author. She had 3 sons, 9 grandchildren, and 3 great-grandchildren. She lives in the Pacific Northwest where the mountains, trees, and water are her church.