Course curriculum

    1. Welcome

    2. Listen to Carrie Kenner talk about abundance with a group of birth doulas (3:49)

    1. What is Your Essence?

    2. Your Essence Worksheet

    3. You Have Magic

    1. Your Dream Life & Business

    1. Healing Your Nervous System: Video Presentation

    2. 10 Things to Do to Down-Regulate Your Nervous System

    3. The Vagus Nerve (diagram)

    4. Stress Response Symptoms

    5. Supporting Your Self to Avoid Burnout: Video Presentation

    6. Working With the Energies of Your Cycles

    7. Time Tracking Sheet

    8. The Self-Care Bank Account

    9. Warning Signs of Burnout

    10. Vulnerability Busters

    1. Spring Cleaning

    1. How to Get Support

    2. Stay Informed

About this course

  • $47.00
  • 19 lessons
  • 1.5 hours of video content